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automobile dealerships

 Maintenance agreements: several automobile dealerships that have their own service outlets can supply pre-paid maintenance agreements. These area unit typically offered directly through the manufacturer (such as Saturn's Basic Care or care programs) or by the business concern alone. owing to the huge variations in programs which will exist from business concern to business concern, it's vital {to know|to beneathstand|to grasp} what's lined under the arrange and what area unit the counseled service intervals (see below).

Lease Here Pay Here Contracts: With lease to buy programs, customers area unit given a vehicle to lease for a fundamental measure which will vary from twelve months up to thirty six months. What makes this distinctive is that the undeniable fact that these vehicle area unit used as hostile new vehicle generally obtained from a brand new dealer. The business concern that leases these cars is commonly scrutinized thanks to the very fact that they commonly serve the general public that don't have robust monetary talents to keep up the duty.


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